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Perfect Pounce

Four Siamese Kittens

Author’s Note:
This story is based on memories that are 30 years old, so there may be some exaggerations or understatements. However, I am excited to share this story with all curious readers.

About 30 years ago, during the winter of 1994, I was just a 10-year-old child when I visited the house of a foreign woman with my late mother. It was there that I first saw four adorable Siamese kittens. Although I liked animals, I was more fond of dogs than cats at that time. The woman was kind and caring toward the kittens, adoring their playful behavior as they scratched at the sofa where she was sitting. She warmly welcomed me into her home and introduced me to her four Siamese kittens.

She told me that she had brought these kittens from her native country, where her pet Siamese cat had recently given birth to six kittens. Curious, I asked about the other two kittens. She joyously explained that she had brought only four with her, while the remaining two stayed with their mother. When I asked how the kittens could manage without their mother, she smiled warmly and said that they would soon grow big enough to live independently. She expressed that, for now, she was their mother.

It was also the first time I encountered factory-made dry cat food. I still remember the distinct smell that filled the house—not necessarily pleasant or unpleasant, just different. I asked her why she fed the kittens factory-made food, as in my locality, people generally fed cats leftover chicken or meat pieces and bread soaked in milk. She explained that this particular cat food was specially formulated with essential nutrients that supported the kittens’ digestive health and overall well-being.

She then filled two plastic bowls with the dry food and called the kittens to satisfy their appetites. I also asked what she would do if her pets ever got tired of eating the same food. Unfortunately, I don’t recall her answer, as the rest of my memory from that day has faded.

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